home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 fori=49152to49270:readj:pokei,j:next
- 2 data 032,204,255,169,002,162,112
- 3 data 160,192,032,189,255,169,001
- 4 data 162,008,160,000,032,186,255
- 5 data 032,192,255,162,001,032,198
- 6 data 255,032,207,255,032,207,255
- 7 data 032,207,255,032,207,255,165
- 8 data 144,201,000,208,043,032,099
- 9 data 192,032,207,255,141,115,192
- 10 data 032,207,255,141,114,192,173
- 11 data 114,192,174,115,192,032,205
- 12 data 189,032,207,255,208,008,169
- 13 data 013,032,210,255,076,035,192
- 14 data 032,210,255,076,071,192,169
- 15 data 001,032,195,255,032,204,255
- 16 data 096,160,000,169,032,032,210
- 17 data 255,200,192,006,208,248,096
- 18 data 036,048,000,000,153,153,151
- 19 nc=11:nf=5
- 20 poke53281,0:poke53280,11:printchr$(8);chr$(14)
- 40 n=0:dima$(200,25),fd$(nf),c$(25),m$(10),df$(7),tp$(25)
- 42 fori=1to10:readm$(i):next
- 43 data "[204]oad [198]ile ","[211]ave [198]ile ","[193]dd [210]ecord ","[195]hange [210]ecord "
- 44 data "[196]elete [210]ecord ","[196]isplay [198][201]le ","[208]rint [198]ile ","# [210]ecords "
- 45 data "[196]isk [198]unctions","[197]xit "
- 46 fori=1to7:readdf$(i):next
- 47 data "[214]iew [196]irectory ","[211]cratch [198]ile ","[210]ename [198]ile "
- 48 data "[197]rror [211]tatus ","[198]ormat [196]isk "
- 49 data "[214]alidate [196]isk ","[210]eturn to [208]rogram"
- 50 fori=1tonf:readfd$(i):next
- 60 fori=1tonc:readc$(i):next
- 80 sp$=" "
- 90 print"[147][154] [197]mployee [197]xpenses "
- 100 fori=1to10:printtab(13)""m$(i):next
- 101 gosub3600
- 105 r=4:m=1:poke214,r:print:printtab(13)"[153]"m$(m):r1=r:m1=m
- 110 getk$:ifk$=""then110
- 111 ifk$=chr$(13)then240
- 115 ifk$=""thenr=r+1:m=m+1:ifm=11thenm=1:r=4
- 120 ifk$="[145]"thenr=r-1:m=m-1:ifm=0thenm=10:r=13
- 125 poke214,r1:print:printtab(13)""m$(m1)
- 130 poke214,r:print:printtab(13)"[153]"m$(m)
- 135 r1=r:m1=m:goto110
- 240 onmgosub270,1400,440,530,640,790,960,1330,1590,4000
- 250 ifm=10then110
- 255 goto90
- 260 :
- 270 print"[147][154] [204]oad [198]ile "
- 280 print"[198]ilename: ";
- 290 l=15:ty=4:gosub3210:iff3thenreturn
- 300 fl$=v$:print
- 310 open15,8,15,"io"
- 320 open2,8,2,"0:"+fl$+",s,r"
- 330 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 340 print"[150][196]isk [211]tatus:"e;e$;e1;e2
- 350 ifethenclose2:close15:print"[198]ile [206]ot [204]oaded":gosub2310:return
- 360 input#2,n
- 370 fori=1ton
- 380 forj=1tonf
- 390 input#2,a$(i,j)
- 400 next:next
- 410 close2:close15
- 420 return
- 430 :
- 440 n=n+1:x=n
- 450 print"[147][154] [193]dd [210]ecord "
- 460 gosub2470
- 470 iff3thenn=n-1:return
- 480 print"[154] [205]ore? [y/n]"
- 490 getk$:ifk$=""then490
- 500 ifk$="y"then440
- 510 return
- 520 :
- 530 print"[147][154] [195]hange [210]ecord "
- 540 gosub3420:ifflthenreturn
- 550 fl=0:f=3
- 560 print"[150][210]ecord # to change: ";
- 570 ty=2:l=3:gosub3210:x=val(v$)
- 580 iff3thenreturn
- 585 ifx>nthenreturn
- 590 gosub2240:iffl=1thenreturn
- 595 fori=1tonc:tp$(i)=a$(x,i):next
- 600 gosub3400:print"":gosub2470
- 610 iff3thenfori=1tonc:tp$(i)=a$(x,i):next
- 620 return
- 630 :
- 640 print"[147][154] [196]elete [210]ecord "
- 650 gosub3420:ifflthenreturn
- 660 fl=0:f=3
- 670 print"[150][210]ecord # to delete: ";
- 680 ty=2:l=3:gosub3210:x=val(v$)
- 690 iff3thenreturn
- 695 ifx>nthenreturn
- 700 gosub2240:iffl=1thenreturn
- 710 n=n-1
- 720 fori=xton
- 730 forj=1tonf
- 740 a$(i,j)=a$(i+1,j)
- 750 next:next
- 760 printtab(12)">[210]ecord deleted<"
- 770 gosub2310:return
- 780 :
- 790 print"[147][154] [196]isplay [198]ile "
- 800 gosub3420:ifflthenreturn
- 810 r=0:f=0:tl=0:gosub2620
- 820 iff3thenreturn
- 830 print"[147][154] [196]isplay [198]ile "
- 840 ifr=2andf$<>a$(s,1)then920
- 850 gosub3400:print""
- 860 print" [210]ecord #:"s
- 870 printfd$(1);a$(s,1);" ";c$(val(a$(s,1)))
- 880 fork=2tonf:printfd$(k);a$(s,k):next
- 890 tl=tl+val(a$(s,5)):v=tl:gosub2870
- 900 print"[150] [195]um [212]otal:[146] "xx$
- 910 gosub2380:iff3thenreturn
- 920 s=s+1:ifs<=ethen840
- 930 printtab(13)">[197]nd of file<"
- 940 gosub2310:return
- 950 :
- 960 print"[147][154] [208]rint [198]ile "
- 970 gosub3420:ifflthenreturn
- 980 r=0:f=0:tl=0:gosub2620
- 990 iff3thenreturn
- 1000 print"[153][208]rinter ready? [y/n]"
- 1010 getk$:ifk$=""then1010
- 1020 ifk$<>"y"thenreturn
- 1030 print"[154][208]rinting..."
- 1040 open2,4,7:cmd2
- 1050 printtab(5)"-------------------------------------------------------------";
- 1060 print"-----------"
- 1070 printtab(5)": [197]mployee [197]xpenses ";
- 1080 print" :"
- 1090 printtab(5)"-------------------------------------------------------------";
- 1100 print"-----------"
- 1110 printtab(5)": [195]ategory"spc(7)"[196]ate"spc(4)"[195]heck #"spc(2)"[196]escription";
- 1120 printspc(17);"[193]mount :"
- 1130 printtab(5)"------------------------------------------------------------";
- 1140 print"------------"
- 1150 fori=stoe
- 1160 ifr=2andf$<>a$(i,1)then1240
- 1170 cg=val(a$(i,1))
- 1180 printtab(5);": ";left$(c$(cg)+sp$,13);spc(2);
- 1190 printleft$(a$(i,2)+sp$,6);spc(2);
- 1200 printright$(sp$+a$(i,3),7);spc(2);
- 1210 printleft$(a$(i,4)+sp$,20);spc(1);
- 1220 printright$(sp$+"$"+a$(i,5),13);" :"
- 1230 tl=tl+val(a$(i,5))
- 1240 next
- 1250 v=tl:gosub2870
- 1260 printtab(5)"-------------------------------------------------------------";
- 1270 print"-----------"
- 1280 printspc(5)":";spc(28)"[212]otal: $"xx$;spc(34-len(xx$));":"
- 1290 printtab(5)"------------------------------------------------------------";
- 1300 print"------------"
- 1310 print#2:close2:return
- 1320 :
- 1330 print"[147][154] # [210]ecords "
- 1340 print" # [210]ecords:";n
- 1350 fm=peek(51)+256*peek(52)-peek(49)-peek(50)*256
- 1360 print"[198]ree [205]emory:";fm
- 1370 gosub2310
- 1380 return
- 1390 :
- 1400 print"[147][154] [211]ave [198]ile "
- 1410 gosub3420:ifflthenreturn
- 1420 print"[195]urrent [198]ilename: "fl$
- 1430 print" [198]ilename: ";
- 1440 l=15:ty=4:gosub3210:iff3thenreturn
- 1450 fl$=v$:print
- 1460 open15,8,15,"io"
- 1470 open2,8,2,"@0:"+fl$+",s,w"
- 1480 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 1490 print"[150][196]isk [211]tatus:"e;e$;e1;e2
- 1500 ifethenclose2:close15:print"[198]ile [206]ot [211]aved.":gosub2310:return
- 1510 print#2,n
- 1520 fori=1ton
- 1530 forj=1tonf
- 1540 print#2,a$(i,j)
- 1550 next:next
- 1560 close2:iff1=0thenclose15
- 1570 return
- 1580 :
- 1590 print"[147][154] [196]isk [198]unctions "
- 1600 fori=1to7:printtab(12)""df$(i):next
- 1601 gosub3600
- 1605 r=4:m=1:poke214,r:print:printtab(12)"[150]"df$(m):r1=r:m1=m
- 1610 getk$:ifk$=""then1610
- 1620 ifk$=chr$(13)then1690
- 1625 ifk$=""thenr=r+1:m=m+1:ifm=8thenm=1:r=4
- 1630 ifk$="[145]"thenr=r-1:m=m-1:ifm=0thenm=7:r=10
- 1635 poke214,r1:print:printtab(12)""df$(m1)
- 1640 poke214,r:print:printtab(12)"[150]"df$(m)
- 1645 r1=r:m1=m:goto1610
- 1690 ifm=7thenreturn
- 1700 onmgosub1730,1780,1880,1960,2030,2150
- 1710 goto1590
- 1720 :
- 1730 print"[147] [214]iew [196]irectory "
- 1740 sys49152
- 1750 gosub2310
- 1760 return
- 1770 :
- 1780 print"[147] [211]cratch [198]ile "
- 1790 print"[198]ilename: ";
- 1800 ty=4:l=15:gosub3210
- 1810 ifv$=chr$(0)thenreturn
- 1820 print:print"[193]re you sure?"
- 1830 getk$:ifk$=""then1830
- 1840 ifk$<>"y"thenreturn
- 1850 open15,8,15,"s0:"+v$:close15
- 1860 return
- 1870 :
- 1880 print"[147] [210]ename [198]ile "
- 1890 print"[207]ld [198]ilename: ";:ty=4:l=15:gosub3210:f1$=v$
- 1900 ifv$=chr$(0)thenreturn
- 1910 print:print"[206]ew [198]ilename: ";:ty=4:l=15:gosub3210:f2$=v$
- 1920 ifv$=chr$(0)thenreturn
- 1930 open15,8,15,"r0:"+f2$+"="+f1$:close15
- 1940 return
- 1950 :
- 1960 print"[147] [196]isk [211]tatus "
- 1970 open15,8,15
- 1980 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2:close15
- 1990 print"[196]isk [211]tatus: "e;e$;e1;e2
- 2000 gosub2310
- 2010 return
- 2020 :
- 2030 print"[147] [198]ormat [196]isk "
- 2040 print"[150][201]nsert disk to be formatted."
- 2050 print"[196]isk name: ";:ty=4:l=15:gosub3210:dn$=v$
- 2060 ifv$=chr$(0)thenreturn
- 2070 print:print"[196]isk [201][196]: ";:ty=3:l=2:gosub3210:di$=v$
- 2080 ifv$=chr$(0)thenreturn
- 2090 print:print"[193]re you sure?"
- 2100 getk$:ifk$=""then2100
- 2110 ifk$<>"y"thenreturn
- 2120 open15,8,15,"n0:"+dn$+","+di$:close15
- 2130 return
- 2140 :
- 2150 print"[147] [214]alidate [196]isk "
- 2160 print"[208]ress [153][198]7 to validate, any key to exit"
- 2170 getk$:ifk$=""then2170
- 2180 ifk$<>chr$(136)thenreturn
- 2190 print"[154][214]alidating..."
- 2200 open15,8,15,"v0":close15
- 2210 return
- 2220 :
- 2230 :
- 2240 print:printtab(2)fd$(1);" ";a$(x,1);" ";c$(val(a$(x,1)))
- 2250 fori=2tonf:printtab(2)fd$(i);" ";a$(x,i):next
- 2260 print"[150][201]s this the record? [y/n]"
- 2270 getk$:ifk$<>"y"andk$<>"n"then2270
- 2280 ifk$="y"thenreturn
- 2290 fl=1:return
- 2300 :
- 2310 printtab(8)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 2320 printtab(8)"[221] [154][208]ress [153][198]7 [154]to continue [221]"
- 2330 printtab(8)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 2340 getk$:ifk$=""then2340
- 2350 ifk$<>chr$(136)then2340
- 2360 return
- 2370 :
- 2380 f3=0
- 2390 print" [176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 2400 print" [221] [153][210][197][212][213][210][206] [154]to continue. [153][198]7 [154] to exit. [221]"
- 2410 print" [173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 2420 getk$:ifk$=""then2420
- 2430 ifk$<>chr$(136)andk$<>chr$(13)then2420
- 2440 ifk$=chr$(136)thenf3=1
- 2450 return
- 2460 :
- 2470 gosub3450:print" [210]ecord #:"x
- 2480 fori=1tonf:printfd$(i):next:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 2490 printtab(15);:ty=2:l=2:gosub3210:a$(x,1)=v$:iff3thenreturn
- 2500 v=val(v$):ifv<1or v>ncthenprint"[147]":goto2470
- 2510 printtab(15);:ty=4:l=6:gosub3210:a$(x,2)=v$:iff3thenreturn
- 2520 printtab(15);:ty=4:l=6:gosub3210:a$(x,3)=v$:iff3thenreturn
- 2530 printtab(15);:ty=4:l=20:gosub3210:a$(x,4)=v$:iff3thenreturn
- 2540 printtab(15);:ty=2:l=11:gosub3210:a$(x,5)=v$:iff3thenreturn
- 2550 print"[150] [195]orrect [y/n]"
- 2560 getk$:ifk$=""then2560
- 2570 ifk$="n"thenprint"[147]":goto2470
- 2580 ifk$=chr$(13)thenf3=1:return
- 2590 v=val(a$(x,5)):gosub2870:a$(x,5)=xx$
- 2600 return
- 2610 :
- 2620 print"[147][154] [208]rint/[196]isplay [198]iles ":s=1:e=n:f3=0
- 2630 printtab(5)"1] [193]ll records
- 2640 [153][163]5)"2] peeky category
- 2650 getr$:ifr$=""then2650
- 2660 ifr$=chr$(13)thenf3=1:return
- 2670 r=val(r$):ifr<1orr>2then2650
- 2680 ifr=1then2780
- 2690 gosub3400:print""
- 2700 remfori=1tonc
- 2710 gosub3450
- 2720 printtab(5)"[195]ategory: ";
- 2730 l=2:ty=2:gosub3210
- 2740 iff3thenf3=1:return
- 2750 f=val(v$):iff<1orf>ncthen2620
- 2760 f$=v$:return
- 2770 :
- 2780 print"[212]here are"n"records in this file."
- 2790 print"start record #: [157][157][157]";:ty=4:l=3:gosub3210:s=val(v$)
- 2800 iff3thenf3=1:return
- 2810 ifs<1ors>nthenprint"[145][145][145]":goto2780
- 2820 print" end record #: [157][157][157]"; :ty=4:l=3:gosub3210:e=val(v$)
- 2830 iff3thenf3=1:return
- 2840 ife<sore>nthenprint"[145][145]":goto2820
- 2850 return
- 2860 :
- 2870 x$="":xx$=""
- 2880 vv=int(v*10^(3)):x$=str$(vv)
- 2890 ifval(right$(x$,1))>4thenvv=vv+10
- 2900 x$=str$(vv):l=len(x$):ifl>4then2940
- 2910 xx$="0.":ifl=4then2930
- 2920 forj=1to(4-l):xx$=xx$+"0":next
- 2930 xx$=xx$+mid$(x$,2,l-2):goto2950
- 2940 xx$=xx$+mid$(x$,2,l-4)+"."+mid$(x$,l-2,2)
- 2950 return
- 2960 :
- 2970 data " [195]ategory #: "," [196]ate: "," [195]heck #: "
- 2980 data " [196]escription: "," [193]mount: "
- 2990 data "[193]uto-[199]as","[193]uto-[210]epair","[193]uto-[201]nsur","[193]uto-[210]ental","[193]uto-[212]olls"
- 3000 data "[193]uto-[208]kg","[204]odgings","[205]eals","[212]ransport","[197]ntertainment"
- 3001 data "[207]ther"
- 3010 :
- 3210 v$="":k$="":ct=0:print"[164][157]";:f3=0
- 3220 k$="":getk$:ifk$=""then3220
- 3230 ifk$=chr$(13)then3360:rem return
- 3240 ifk$=chr$(20)andct<>0thenprint" [157][157][164][157]";:ct=ct-1:v$=left$(v$,ct):goto3220
- 3250 ifk$=" "then3330:rem space
- 3260 ifty=1or ty>2thenif(k$>"@")and(k$<"[")then3330:rem alpha
- 3270 ifty>1thenif(k$>"/")and(k$<":")then3330:rem numeric
- 3280 ifty=2thenifk$="."then3330
- 3290 ifty=1orty>2thenif(k$>"[192]")and(k$<"[219]")then3330:rem upper case
- 3300 ifty=4thenif(k$>" ")and(k$<"0")then3330:rem !"#$%&'()*+,-./ punctuation
- 3310 [139]ty[178]4[167][139](k$[177]"9")[175](k$[179]"@")[167]3330:[143] :;<=>? punctuation
- 3320 [137]3220
- 3330 [139]ct[177][178]l[167]3220
- 3340 ct[178]ct[170]1:v$[178]v$[170]k$:[153]k$;:[151]212,0:[153]"tocmd";
- 3350 [137]3220
- 3360 [139]ct[178]0[167]v$[178][199](0):f3[178]1
- 3370 [143]fori=len(v$)+1tol:v$=v$+" ":next:rem pad string
- 3380 [153]" ":[142]
- 3390 :
- 3400 [129]j[178]1[164]10:[151]781,j:[158]59903:[130]:[142]
- 3410 :
- 3420 fl[178]0:[139]n[179]1[167]fl[178]1
- 3430 [139]fl[167][153]"(NULL)o file in memory.":[141]2310
- 3440 [142]
- 3450 [153][163]2)"printortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 3460 [153][163]2)"(NULL) contlenategoriesprint (NULL)"
- 3470 [153][163]2)"-tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan<"
- 3480 [153][163]2)"(NULL) 1 atnuto-chr$as 2 atnuto-(NULL)epairs print(NULL)"
- 3490 [153][163]2)"(NULL) 3 atnuto-right$nsurance 4 atnuto-(NULL)ental print(NULL)"
- 3500 [153][163]2)"(NULL) 5 atnuto-(NULL)arking 6 atnuto-(NULL)olls print(NULL)"
- 3505 [153][163]2)"(NULL) 7 (NULL)odgings 8 (NULL)eals print(NULL)"
- 3506 [153][163]2)"(NULL) 9 (NULL)ransport 10 valntertaining print(NULL)"
- 3507 [153][163]2)"(NULL) 11 (NULL)ther print(NULL)"
- 3510 [153][163]2)"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexpcont"
- 3520 [142]
- 3530 :.
- 3600 [151]214,20:[153]
- 3605 [153]" ortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 3610 [153]" (NULL) cont(NULL)se len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) keys/(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) to select. (NULL)"
- 3615 [153]" /tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
- 3620 [142]
- 3625 :
- 4000 [151]214,17:[153]:[153][163]11)"defatnre you sure? [y/n]
- 4005 getk$:ifk$=""then4005
- 4010 ifk$<>"y"thenprint"[145] ":return
- 4015 open15,8,15,"r0:tax boot=tax boot"
- 4020 input#15,er%:close15
- 4025 ifer%<>63thenprint"[147]":end
- 4030 poke646,peek(53281)
- 4035 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"tax boot"chr$(34)",8"
- 4040 print"run"
- 4045 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3:end
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:emp exp":close15:save"0:emp exp",8